Is anyone listening…

Well well well look who is back to blogging after a 2 year hiatus! ME!! Ok, I’m sort of back.  I would like to start regularly blogging again but I don’t want to blog about Celebs anymore.  So this is going to be more of a personal thing.  Just wanted to give you a warning.

A few updates on my life since the last time I posted.  I moved to Indianapolis for a year and fell in love with the seasons, made some amazing friends and became a full fledged vegetarian (previously I was a pescetarian).  A year later the husband and I moved back to beautiful Southern California.  I am again working as a part of the Rico and Mambo Morning Show on Q1047 and I do a video series about fashion called Fashion Bangs (I will be posting all of the videos here as well).  I just came back from an amazing trip to Paris and Brussels that I will soon be blogging about.  And I’m just really still on the journey to becoming the best me I can be.  That’s all for now but I look forward to ranting and raving here on a regular basis!

So here’s to me trying to make this blog interesting for you… and me… but mostly you.
